Animal Reiki Classes "Until one has loved an animal, a part of one's soul remains unawakened" Anatole France
"The Let the Animals Lead" method founded, by Kathleen Prasad, is a groundbreaking approach to energy work by honoring animal agency, wisdom, independence and by giving animals a choice of how (and if) they want to participate in an energy healing Animal Reiki session. This method is a gentle path to help humans and animals live together with more balance, peace and happiness. The Let the Animals Lead Method was created for all animals but was born from the realization that animals may not necessarily want to be touched and often humans impose their own will on the animal. This method is especially effective with animals who are in shelters and/or have suffered with trauma and is equally effective with animals in the home or other circumstances. This method was created using the original Usui System of Reiki and teaches the student a meditative approach to self discovery within in order to connect with animals. Let Animals Lead method is a non-invasive approach as practitioners only touch the animal if the animal seeks touch. The practitioner is taught how to remain grounded and hold space with animals. Every human's path to balance and wholeness is unique and the same is to be said about animals. Their path to balance and wholeness is entirely unique and this method honors animals as our healers and our teachers.
Upon completion of levels, students receive Sara certificates certifying them for each level. An extensive in-depth professional manual from Sara is included in the cost of the course.
Level I (Shoden) Animal Reiki - $300.00 Level I or "Shoden" means first teachings and is an excellent introduction to Reiki and the Let Animals Lead Method of Reiki for animals. Upon completion of this course, students will have the basic knowledge of Reiki and the tools of meditation to help them find oneness with animals. Animal Reiki meditation practice helps support the animals we love and is an essential spiritual training for humans. The more we spiritually train, the stronger we become in all aspects of our lives. This course focuses on peace, grounding, gratitude , courage, kindness, compassion and conscious presence. This presence gives us confidence and the fortitude to walk side by side with animals. Students will receive certificates certifying them in Let the Animals lead Method certifying them for Level I.
What you'll learn: All the foundational teachings for Let Animals Lead, including:
History of "Let Animals Lead Method"/History of Reiki
Traditional Japanese meaning of Reiki and how it relates to the healing of self and others
Six Pillars of Let Animals Lead Method
Reiki Practitioner Code of Ethics
four Reiju offerings
Traditional Japanese Meditations (Joshin Kokyu Ho and Seishin Toitsu) and how to use this practice with animals
Kenyoku Ho (Dry Bathing)
The five Reiki precepts and how they balance your life and practice
Self Healing
Chair Reiki Treatment for people
Techniques for grounding, expansion and connections to help you become an animal magnet to even the most sensitive animals
Time spent practicing meditation with animals
*Throughout course - there will be time given for students to journal their thoughts and experiences.
Level II (Okuden) Animal Reiki - $300.00 Level II or 'Okuden - meaning inner teachings and in this level students will deepen their knowledge. This level will focus on deepening the balance and harmony by further developing the qualities of grounding, expansion, and connections that the first level of training introduced. The emphasis of this class is promoting kindness to animals and advocacy for their choices, preferences and happiness. Students will find themselves on a deeper journey as they are introduced to meditations, mantras and chanting. All of the practices introduced in this level, will take the student on a lifelong soul journey and a deeper connections to their animals. The introduction of the three energy symbols will enhance student's energy, focus and experience with Reiki. Level II is also considered the "professional level" as students may want to expand with this method of Reiki into a business. It is recommended that students do some voluntary Animal Reiki before they charge money for their services. Students will receive certificates certifying them in Let the Animals lead Method certifying them for Level II (practitioner level).
What you'll learn: All foundational teachings for the Let Animals Lead Method, including:
Hatsurei Ho with Animals
Meditations for working with the Reiki Precepts with animals
The best ethics for sharing Reiki with Animals
Using Reiki to expand into the community
Deeper methods of Meditation practice/ mantra / chants
How Inviting meditation into your life to bring shifts in awareness and approaches to life
Reiju offerings
The three energy symbols
How to work with animals and the symbols and mantras
Guide to self-healing and facilitating healing for animals
Guidelines for practitioner's animal reiki sessions
The business of being a practitioner
Time spent practicing meditation methods with animals
*Throughout course - there will time given for students to journal their thoughts and experiences.
Level III (Shinpiden) - $1,100.00 This class is for students who wish to deepen their practice and knowledge of Usui's Reiki. The Let Animals Lead Method is a unique method of Reiki and not offered in any other style of Reiki. Shinpiden means "mystery" teachings and is about manifestation; it's in this level of training that you learn how to truly live and be. Even though you have already taken the first two levels of Let Animals Lead Method, the Shinpiden level will take you on a path where you will find yourself deeply exploring your being and what it means to be one in the existence with animals and the universe. You will also learn how to teach the Let Animals Lead Method which will take you on a remarkable and unique journey.
Becoming a teacher of the Let Animals Lead Method means you are ready to fulfill your life path of being one with animals, deepening your knowledge, expanding your mind, deepening your commitment to healing and empowering both human and animals to co-exist. You will learn how to inspire, guide and share the deep traditions of Reiju. This level will take you on a path of personal growth as you continue on your healing journey. This may be the final class of the Let Animals Lead method, but in reality it is just the beginning. If this resonates with you, contact me for more information.